Showing 61–90 of 156 results

All Electronics Components

DHT22 Humidity sensor

57 SAR inc. Vat.
104 SAR inc. Vat.
23 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

IR Receiver HX1838 / VS1838/PC638

10 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

Micro SD card reader module

23 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

MT8870 DTMF Module

79 SAR inc. Vat.
29 SAR inc. Vat.
41 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

TD2030A Audio amplifier Module

33 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

US100 Ultrasonic Module 5pins

41 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

HC-05 BlueTooth Module

45 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

IR Remote Control+Receiver Module

37 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

R301T Capacitive Fingerprint Module

173 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

power supply for bread board 5v,3.3v

18 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

BreadBoard MB-102

19 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

Small BreadBoard – Half-Size Breadboard

15 SAR inc. Vat.
12 SAR inc. Vat.
13 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

Adapter 9v 2A for Arduino

29 SAR inc. Vat.
SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

Power Adapter 12v 2A

29 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

Power Adapter 3v 1A

29 SAR inc. Vat.
Out of stock
213 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

snap battery connector

SAR inc. Vat.
SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

100cm male-female wires

81 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

100cm male-male wires

81 SAR inc. Vat.

All Electronics Components

10cm female female wires

16 SAR inc. Vat.