5A Step down module – Constant current constant voltage high current-XL4015
Maintain stable output voltage and limit the output current over a range of input voltages. Great for general voltage conversion, battery charging, powering raw LEDs, automotive electronics, battery conversions, micro-controllers, and electronic projects.
Input Voltage: 8-36V DC, Output Voltage: 1.25-32V DC, Max Load: 75W/5A Peak, 50W/3.5A Sustained (whichever is lower, amps or watts)
Conversion Efficiency: Up to 95%, (our test result: 24V->12V1A: 92.7%)
Dimensions: 51×26.3x14mm, XL4015 IC, 180KHz Switching Frequency
Input must be at least 1V more than the output voltage. Applying reverse polarity voltage to the input or output may damage the module. Current limiting function requires at least 5.6V input.